Monday, October 25, 2010

southie snacks 2.0

Living in South Boston, I've come up against some ethical dilemmas(-ish).

#1. seaglass/ accountability

       So I live right by the beach, which is nice, and I have a lot of free-time with my future waitress career still pending so I walk around a lot. I used to go "shelling" at the beaches in South Carolina but the habit became a little too obsessive and self-isolating in group-fun beach situations so I finally had to announce that I "quit shelling", which I did. I don't have a fraction of the amount of bothersome friend-types hanging around Southie as I did hanging around Charleston, however, so I have picked up a new sea-glass collection habit to replace my old shelling habit.
      Anyways, I was walking along the beach looking for sea glass and I noticed that the sea-glass selection was a bit sub-par. First off, it is hard to find really weathered bits of sea glass and second off the glass you do find is abnormally large and sometimes sharp, and often most likely not really sea glass at all. So I was thinking about that and then I was like- you know what I could do? I could come down here and smash up some bottles just right for sea glass and then just sort of throw it in the ocean. It would be like harvesting the glass! And then I was like- Whoa, whoa, would that be, like, unethical? or, like, against my morals? Do I have morals? How would the community feel??

      I think I was pretty high at the time but I swear I'm not now. I think I could technically justify throwing glass into the ocean since I'm there all the time picking that shit up, but I think an even better idea is to write the local advice columnist here and ask, especially since my other new favorite hobby is mail (in general).

I'm thinking something like this:

Dear Southie,

I live on Winfield street with my grandmother and I just love to collect sea-glass! It is my favorite hobby! I've been trying to get a good collection off the beaches here, but I've noticed that the sea-glass is mostly rough and immature and not even all that pretty (no offense) so I was thinking maybe I would take some bottles of my own choosing and smash them up to just the right size and then throw them in the ocean and then later on harvest that glass. I'll still pick up the shitty sea-glass that other people are supplying, but eventually I'd have my own too. I was wondering if you think this is unethical? I just don't know what to do!!

Losing My Hobby

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

throw it in! - esq.


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