Monday, June 11, 2012

Glenville Laundromat: the untold tale, partly shown

O Glenville Laundromat...the things I had planned for you and me! The size of your drying machines!

This is a sad and strange story I have to tell you, dear Internet. It happened several weeks ago, the climax at least, but it began long before. Somehow Lightly got involved and I'm not sure of the meaning of that.

So what happened first is I developed an obsession with the Glenville Laundromat which is a laundromat located on the street my street is off of. I had big ideas for this laundromat. I invited a lot of people to this laundromat. I jammed in this laundromat. I spent time in the industrial-sized dryers of this laundromat. Oddly, whenever I went to do laundry at this laundromat (which was never on what you or anyone would call a "regular basis") the exact same people would be there doing their laundry. Now-- and these people did not seem especially hygienic or neat by any means-- either these people were doing their laundry all the fucking time or they were doing their laundry on the same schedule as me which seems absolutely not at all possible.

(There is a video-taped jam between me and Jonny Feinburg which occurred in this laundromat which I might find and edit down for the purpose of sharing with you should I find it, though the last time I checked I could not).

So now the peak of what was once a grand Glenville Laundromat plan exists within the sole surviving and completed "Laundromat video", the historical relevance of which is currently and suddenly on the rise or decline depending upon your perspective. 

The night the laundromat died (i.e. burnt down) it happened at 4 in the morning (I say this like a fact but really I was asleep). My roommates with rooms facing the street were aware of the disturbance but none so much so as P. Fletch who answered the buzzer around 4:30 AM (again, I'm still asleep) to a stranger holding a stripedy orange animal, saying "Is this your cat?" To which Paul said hmmmghrph, throwing the animal inside and going back to bed.

The next day we (by which I mean all of Allston Boston the world) woke up to see our most beloved laundromat had been demolished by arson...and not only arson, but very possibly arson of the absolute worst kind...


*Note: I have yet to euthanize Lightly but rest assured extreme measures of observance and regulation have been put in place, with feline expiration inevitable by natural causes if not pre-emptives

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