Sunday, November 3, 2013

Quiet Desperation

Hello fiends and frans, DO YOU KNOW about QUIET DESPERATION? 

If you don't or if you didn't but you just clicked above and watched every episode in a row as I did when I first came upon it while I was depressed on the floor in Watertown with 1/2 of a twin bed and the remnants of a malnourished creative dream...Suddenly able to look into the computer (this computer!) at someone who made sense to me and was trying to make sense of the kind of world I was living in...

In any case, Quiet Desperation is the best thing having been done, being done, or coming out of Boston that I've seen since I've been here and I think its pretty important and real helpful for all you creatives, maybe even if you're living in a tropical climate where  they didn't kill the Injuns for the first dessert.

It's a project/show from the real life mind of  the real life artist Rob Potylo and it continues to evolve like real life too. It is nice to remember that everything changes. Watch this trailer for season 5, before or after you watch all those quiet d's that are gonna fill you up with warm soul pudding and remind you to go out and live your fucking life, and you will know what I'm talking about!

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