Wednesday, April 7, 2010

imprisoned & awarded: a day in the life

So the day after I got arrested was the opening of The Young Contemporaries student art show at The Halsey Gallery. When I woke up I was in a holding cell. I got mug-shotted and given a mattress (pretty comfy), half a blanket (prison error), a spoon, a cup, toothpaste, soap, and was moved to the women's prison.

I did not eat the lunch although it was suprisingly almost vegan save for two sandwich cookies. (The rest was two pieces of white bread, a dollop of salad-type greenery, and plain rice). Anyways, they wouldn't let me know when I would get out and I signed my release papers over an hour before they let me out. Also, cop copperson wouldn't let me take my cell phone when he arrested me, which I hear is a violation of rights. rights shmights,

what I was most worried about was not being able to attend the Young Contemporaries opening because I was in JAIL.

Luckily an abundance of my friends watched me get arrested (and free one skinny-wristed hand from the cuffs as to wave and make lewd gestures toward them from the back of the cop car before getting re-cuffed. hard) so when I got out I just stood on the grass by the highway talking to an old man named Lou and another old man who showed me his documentation as a "nuisance" to society until Alex and Max arrived and picked me off the curb.

Fortunately, I was just in time for The Young Contemporaries show, and to top it off I actually got awarded. I feel this contradiction of events has done well to anchor my sense of relativity, aside from being plain hilarious, which is my favorite category of events period.

Today's city paper came out with a review of the show and I got a little write-up which does or does not reflect the underbelly convict attitude of myself as an artist...

this is a photo of my piece from
you can read the article here: "Cofc's Studio Artists Show Their Stuff"

Its a pretty nice article. The show was a lot of fun. Lauren who did the huge saran wrap sculpture was there with me last Friday when we installed both our pieces (which took about 9 hours). What better way to celebrate my first day of freedom!?

Also, in concern to my conviction, the case has been dismissed. happy day.

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