Tuesday, January 18, 2011

thank you note: benjamin williams

So former Charleston-based member of the family and professional photomagrapher, Benjamin Williams, once upon a time took some pictures outside a house where the weather was much warmer than winter time in New England weather is and I was there too and also much warmer. I forgot about these photomagraphs until Benjamin recently sent me some and I remembered what it felt like to be warm and to have someone spend an hour doing your hair. Oh, Charleston, Benjamin, makeup, hair, sunshine...oh....oh.

Anyways, it was very nice of Benjamin to include me in these photos as I have a severe hunch that I am a very poor and distractable picture poser, and also for sending them to me, Thanks B!

 This was a pretty casz day. Benjamin is a really good photomagrapher and you know how we should all feel about photomagraphers...check out more (better) benji photos @ www.benwilliamsphoto.com

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