Sunday, July 15, 2012

red head, red head, so much red in the head

If you and I have met before you are probably a ginger or met me while I was in the company of a ginger.

Kelsey Barton, Dean, and I thinking about our podcast "Cigarettes and Salad"- photography by  Travis  Long  (ginger)

You know how sometimes it seems like gingers like to spread themselves out socially? Like, operate within a group of normals and (as is the case most commonly among ginger girls) maintain a cool feeling for other red-head acquaintances (examples of such coolness include phrases like "I've never dyed my hair" or "It's sort" or "I just don't think she's that interesting."

Well if lonestar ginger social phobia is a thing among gingers (and it is), I feel that I may have an opposite social problem which counteracts and serves as the antidote for this ginger separation isolation syndrome; where there sometimes exists a slight disdain from one ginger to another among the ginger community, I (a self-confessed non-ginger, or if you allow dyes in your classification,a never-ginger) have an extreme social need for gingers stemming from childhood, a need so great, in fact, a love so large that it may actually be bringing gingers together. There is something about the sight of a chestnut ponytail, a freckle even, that makes my brain go "you know this person. they are your friend. they too cannot believe that you are walking down the same street at the same time. go to them. prosper" where usually it goes "doopdoop doop, oh-ah uhh look down look down keep walking", you na mean?

In any case my current ginger partner-in-crime and co-founder of the 3 part Ginger 1 part Jarva "Claymoss Crew" and Co-Anchor of the in-production podcast "Cigarettes and Salad", the above pictured thinker of thoughts Kelsey Barton, had a birthday a few weeks ago. Last night there was a party in celebration of two non-gingers birthdays held at a crew-members house and what did I do? I brought Kelsey presents and gave them to her at the party. It was touching. It was slightly inappropriate and misplaced. But there were no other gingers to celebrate and I blame my brain. Its a ginger condition.

**I did make Levi a card as I became more aware of myself and I brought a nip for Kelsey Levi and Liz (the other non-ginger) but Liz wasn't there when I got there so I split her shot with a ginger! It was the ginger's suggestion (Pierce) but as I am saying, as I am confessing, as I am asking you, internet to understand, I cannot. be. helped...when it comes to ginger

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